dynamic programming

Dynamic Programming 101: A Beginner’s Must-Read

Dynamic Programming, also known as DP, is a powerful problem-solving technique. This has emerged in different domains from computer science to economics and biology. In this blog, we will learn about dynamic programming with its fundamental concept, its application and tips for ruling this technique.

Table of Contents

Key Concepts of Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming has been evolved based on three key concepts: overlapping subproblems, optimal substructure, and techniques like memorization and tabulation

  • overlapping subproblems – The heart of dynamic programming lies in divide and conquer method. Here breaking of complex problems into smaller subproblems and finding similar sub problem, helps to reduce the redundant calculations and also increases the efficiency. 
  • Optimal Substructure – DP problems can be broken down into smaller subproblems, and the optimal solution for the main problem can be built using optimal solutions for its subproblems.
  • Memorization and Tabulation – Memorization stores the results of repeated function calls for reusing them. Tabulation involves in building a table of solutions from the bottom up.

Getting Started with Dynamic Programming

The building block of DP is recursion. Understanding of recursion is much needed for dynamic programming. Start with finding the overlapping subproblems within the problem to perform DP. Based on the problem’s requirement, we have opportunity to choose between 2 methods. Top-down(recursive with memorization) and bottom-up (iterative with tabulation).

Solving Problems with Dynamic Programming

Let’s explore the world of DP through some classic problems:

Fibonacci Sequence: A classic example for transformation of the normal recursive approach into an optimized solution using memoization and bottom-up tabulation. This shows significant improvements in efficiency.

Longest Common Subsequence: DP can efficiently find the longest common subsequence between two sequences. This problem has applications in genetics and data comparison.

Knapsack Problem: The knapsack problem both in its 0/1 and fractional variations has DP for selecting optimal choices.

Shortest Path Algorithms: Start the adventure to determine the shortest path between nodes in a graph using DP techniques, which are essential in navigation and logistics.

Fibonacci Code

class Fibonacci:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.fibo = [0, 1]

    def get(self, index: int) -> list:
        difference = index - (len(self.fibo) - 2)
        if difference >= 1:
            for _ in range(difference):
                self.fibo.append(self.fibo[-1] + self.fibo[-2])
        return self.fibo[:index]

def main() -> None:
    fibonacci = Fibonacci()

    while True:
            index = int(input("Enter tha value = "))
        except ValueError:
            print("Enter a number or 'exit'")


if __name__ == "__main__":

Dynamic Programming Variants

Find the complexities of many DP versions such as 0/1 knapsack versus fractional knapsack, unbounded knapsack, the coin change problem, and matrix chain multiplication. Each version has different hurdles and chances for problem-solving creativity.

Best Practices to follow

  • Start with small problems to build confidence before handling larger challenges.
  • Break down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps.
  • Analyze the time and space complexity of your solutions to optimize performance.
  • Thoroughly test and debug your code to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Real-World Applications

The real-world impact of dynamic programming:

DNA Sequence Alignment: DP plays a major role in aligning DNA sequences to understand genetic relationships and mutations.

Text Justification: Dynamic programming helps in formatting the text in a visually pleasing manner, a common task in word processors.

Image Compression: DP techniques contribute to efficient image compression algorithms.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Not recognizing overlapping subproblems, which will lead to redundant computations.
  • Neglecting optimal substructure, which undermines the core principle of DP.
  • Inefficient space usage. This results in high consumption of memory.


Dynamic Programming is a skill that allows you solve complex issues in a efficient way. Accept the challenges it gives, encounter with good understanding of its fundamental ideas, methodologies and applications.Every challenge you solve puts you one step forward to becoming a true DP maestro.

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